The Frog Prince

『かえるのおうさま』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Frog Prince” の絵本

The Frog Prince
The Frog Prince
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The Frog Prince
Once upon a time, there was a Princess. She loved to walk in the garden and play with her golden ball. She would toss the ball up and catch it all day. One day, the Princess tossed her golden ball too high. It fell into a pond. The golden ball sank all the way down to the bottom.
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The Frog Prince
The Princess cried. She had lost her golden ball. She said, “I will give anything to have my golden ball back.” She did not know that an ugly Frog was listening to her. The ugly Frog said, “I can get your golden ball. But you must be my friend. And you must share your food with me. And then, you must give me a kiss.”
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The Frog Prince
The Princess wanted her golden ball, so she made a promise to the ugly Frog. “I will be your friend. I will share my food with you. And then, I will give you a kiss.” So, the ugly Frog jumped into the pond, and he brought the golden ball back up. The Princess took her golden ball, and then she ran away. She did not keep her promise!
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The Frog Prince
That night, the Princess was eating dinner with her father, the King. The ugly Frog hopped into the room. The ugly Frog said, “A person who breaks a promise is truly ugly.” The King asked his daughter, “Why does the ugly Frog say this?” The Princess told the King that she had made a promise to the ugly Frog. The King said, “You must keep your promise!”
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The Frog Prince
So, the Princess became the ugly Frog’s friend, and they had fun. The Princess shared her food with the ugly Frog, and they were happy. Then, the Princess kissed the ugly Frog. POOF! The ugly Frog turned into a handsome Prince. The Prince said, “Your kiss freed me from an evil spell!” The Princess and the Prince married, and they lived happily ever after.
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The Frog Prince
The Frog Prince
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Page 7

The Frog Prince
Once upon a time, there was a Princess. She loved to walk in the garden and play with her golden ball. She would toss the ball up and catch it all day. One day, the Princess tossed her golden ball too high. It fell into a pond. The golden ball sank all the way down to the bottom.
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The story of "The Frog Prince"