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英語で読める “The Hunter, the Snake, and the Three Judges” の絵本

The Hunter, the Snake, and the Three Judges

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Long ago, a hunter was walking along a stone path. There he saw a giant snake. The snake was trapped under a large rock.

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The snake said, “Please, help me!” But the hunter said, “You will eat me if I help you.” The snake said, “I promise to not eat you.” So the hunter helped the snake.

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When the snake was free, he said, “Now, I am free, and I will eat you.” The hunter said, “You cannot eat me. You promised!”

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The hunter said, “I want to ask three judges. If one of them takes my side, you cannot eat me.” The snake agreed to ask three judges.

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The first judge was an old dog. The dog said, “When I was young and strong, my master loved me. Now, I cannot hunt, and he hates me. You may eat the man.”

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The next judge was a horse. The horse said, “When I was young, my master loved me because I was strong. Now, he wants me dead. You may eat the man.”

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The hunter began to worry. The snake looked at him hungrily. But the hunter said, “We must ask one more judge.”