The Legend Of The Milky Way

『あまのがわのでんせつ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Legend Of The Milky Way” の絵本

The Legend Of The Milky Way
The Legend Of The Milky Way
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The Legend Of The Milky Way
The King of Heaven had many daughters. One daughter was named Chuc-Nu. She worked very hard sewing clothes. But one day, she stopped working. When Chuc-Nu was young, she met a man. He saw Chuc-Nu sewing clothes, and he fell in love with her. And Chuc-Nu loved him too.
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Page 2

The Legend Of The Milky Way
The King of Heaven said, “You may marry him. But you must continue to work.” Chuc-Nu was very happy. She promised to keep sewing clothes for her sisters. Chuc-Nu had a beautiful wedding. And she was very happy with her new husband.
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Page 3

The Legend Of The Milky Way
At first, Chuc-Nu kept her promise. She continued to sew clothes for her sisters. But soon, she began to spend more time with her husband. Finally, Chuc-Nu stopped working. She spent all of her time with her husband.
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Page 4

The Legend Of The Milky Way
When Chuc-Nu stopped working, the King of Heaven became angry. He made a great river in the sky, and he called it the Milky Way. He made Chuc-Nu live on one end of the river. And he made her husband live on the other end.
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Page 5

The Legend Of The Milky Way
Chuc-Nu could not be with her husband all the time. But she could meet him once a year. When she met him, she cried; their time together was too short. Now, people say that a sudden rain is really Chuc-Nu’s tears. It means that she is meeting her husband.
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Page 6

The Legend Of The Milky Way
The Legend Of The Milky Way
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Page 7

The Legend Of The Milky Way
The King of Heaven had many daughters. One daughter was named Chuc-Nu. She worked very hard sewing clothes. But one day, she stopped working. When Chuc-Nu was young, she met a man. He saw Chuc-Nu sewing clothes, and he fell in love with her. And Chuc-Nu loved him too.
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The story of "The Legend Of The Milky Way"