The Rabbit and the Lion

『ウサギとライオン』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Rabbit and the Lion” の絵本

The Rabbit and the Lion
The Rabbit and the Lion
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The Rabbit and the Lion
Once upon a time, there was a big and strong lion. His name was Basuraka. He lived in the jungle, and he ate the other animals any time he wanted to.
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The Rabbit and the Lion
One day, all of the animals came together. They decided that, to be safe, they would ask Basuraka to eat only one of them each day.
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The Rabbit and the Lion
They spoke to Basuraka about their plan. Basuraka said, “OK. But one animal must come every day before lunchtime.”
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The Rabbit and the Lion
At first, the plan worked. Each day, before lunchtime, one animal went to Basuraka’s house. But when it was the rabbit’s turn, he went very slowly. He did not want to be eaten.
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The Rabbit and the Lion
He arrived at Basuraka’s house after lunchtime. Basuraka said, “Because you are late, I will eat all of the animals when I want to!”
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The Rabbit and the Lion
The rabbit was very tricky. He said to Basuraka, “I am late because another lion tried to catch me. I had to escape from him.
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The Rabbit and the Lion
Basuraka became very angry. This was his jungle, and no other lion was welcome here. Basuraka said to the rabbit, “Take me to this lion. I want to fight him!”
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The Rabbit and the Lion
The rabbit said, “This lion is big and strong!” And Basuraka said, “I am big and strong! I want to fight this lion. Take me to him!” The rabbit took Basuraka to a deep hole in the ground.
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The Rabbit and the Lion
The rabbit knew that the hole was full of water. But Basuraka did not know this. When he looked in the hole, he saw his reflection. He thought it was the other lion, and he attacked!
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The Rabbit and the Lion
Basuraka jumped into the deep hole, and he drowned. The rabbit went back to the jungle. He told his friends that they did not have to worry about Basuraka ever again.
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The Rabbit and the Lion
The Rabbit and the Lion
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The Rabbit and the Lion
Once upon a time, there was a big and strong lion. His name was Basuraka. He lived in the jungle, and he ate the other animals any time he wanted to.
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Page 13

The Rabbit and the Lion
One day, all of the animals came together. They decided that, to be safe, they would ask Basuraka to eat only one of them each day.
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Page 14

The Rabbit and the Lion
They spoke to Basuraka about their plan. Basuraka said, “OK. But one animal must come every day before lunchtime.”
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The story of "The Rabbit and the Lion"