The Sun and the Wind

『きたかぜとたいよう』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Sun and the Wind” の絵本

The Sun and the Wind
The Sun and the Wind
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Page 1

The Sun and the Wind
One day, the sun and the wind began arguing about who’s the strongest. They decided to have a contest to see who the strongest one is.
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Page 2

The Sun and the Wind
“Do you see the man down there?” said the wind to the sun. “Let’s see who can rip off his jacket the fastest!”
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Page 3

The Sun and the Wind
The sun agreed. “You go ahead first” said the sun. So the wind took a deep breath.
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Page 4

The Sun and the Wind
The wind blew a powerfull wind so the poor man's jacket almost fell off. The wind saw that the mans jacket almost had come off, so he blew and blew an ice cold wind.
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Page 5

The Sun and the Wind
But the man was holding on to his clothes. The wind finaly gave up.
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Page 6

The Sun and the Wind
The wind needed a rest. “Now it´s my turn.” Said the sun.
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Page 7

The Sun and the Wind
The sun made himself as big as possible. The warm sunrays shone on the land where the man was walking.
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The story of "The Sun and the Wind"