The Wishes

『ねがいごと』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Wishes” の絵本

The Wishes
The Wishes
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Page 1

The Wishes
Once upon a time, there was a husband and wife. They loved each other, but they were very poor. Sometimes they argued because their life was difficult.
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Page 2

The Wishes
One day, the man was walking. Then, he saw a tiny woman. She was in a tiny carriage. And the carriage was stuck in the mud.
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Page 3

The Wishes
The man pushed the tiny carriage out of the mud. The tiny woman said, “Thank you. Now, I will help you. When you go home, tell your wife that she has three wishes.”
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Page 4

The Wishes
The man went home. He told his wife the happy news. But she did not believe him. She said, “I know you are joking. So, here is my first wish: I want a sausage!”
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Page 5

The Wishes
Poof! A sausage appeared on the table. The man got angry. He said, “Why did you wish for a sausage? You did you not wish for gold? Or a big house?”
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Page 6

The Wishes
The man and woman began to argue. She said, “I should wish for a cow.” But he said, “No. You should wish for a horse!”
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Page 7

The Wishes
The man and the woman argued, and they became more and more angry. Finally, the woman said, “I wish that sausage was stuck to your nose!”
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Page 8

The Wishes
When the woman realized what she had done, she said, “No!” But it was too late. The man had a giant sausage stuck to his nose!
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Page 9

The Wishes
Of course, the man could not live with a sausage stuck to his nose. So, they had only once choice. The woman sadly said, “I wish the sausage was gone.”
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Page 10

The Wishes
The man and the woman had used three wishes, but they still had nothing. So, they made a promise to never argue again. And after that, they lived happily together.
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Page 11

The Wishes
The Wishes
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Page 12

The Wishes
Once upon a time, there was a husband and wife. They loved each other, but they were very poor. Sometimes they argued because their life was difficult.
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Page 13

The Wishes
One day, the man was walking. Then, he saw a tiny woman. She was in a tiny carriage. And the carriage was stuck in the mud.
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Page 14

The Wishes
The man pushed the tiny carriage out of the mud. The tiny woman said, “Thank you. Now, I will help you. When you go home, tell your wife that she has three wishes.”
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The story of "The Wishes"