The Woman And The Angel

『じょせいとてんし』 子供のためのオーディオブック

英語で読める “The Woman And The Angel” の絵本

The Woman And The Angel
The Woman and the Angel
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Page 1

The Woman And The Angel
One day, long ago, there was a young pregnant woman walking by the sea. She saw mussels in the shallow water.
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Page 2

The Woman And The Angel
The woman walked into the water to collect some mussels. She wanted to cook and eat them.
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Page 3

The Woman And The Angel
There were many mussels for the young woman to gather. She was very happy, and the cool sea water felt good on her feet.
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Page 4

The Woman And The Angel
The young woman collected more and more mussels. And she went farther and farther from the shore.
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Page 5

The Woman And The Angel
Suddenly, the woman noticed that the water was getting higher. The tide was beginning to rise. She thought, “I should go back to the shore now.”
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Page 6

The Woman And The Angel
The woman turned around, and only then did she realize how far she was from the shore. She began to hurry, and the tide continued to rise.
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Page 7

The Woman And The Angel
The woman was going as fast as she could. But the water was up to her knees now, and she could not run. Still, the shore was very far away.
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Page 8

The Woman And The Angel
The woman knew that she could not reach the shore in time. She was worried that she and the baby she was carrying were going to die.
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Page 9

The Woman And The Angel
The woman said a prayer to Saint Michael. She asked him to help her. Saint Michael heard her prayer, and he made a tall hill grow beneath the woman’s feet.
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Page 10

The Woman And The Angel
The woman was saved! When she returned to the town, she told everyone about the miracle. People went to the hill and named it Mont San Michel.
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Page 11

The Woman And The Angel
The Woman and the Angel
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Page 12

The Woman And The Angel
One day, long ago, there was a young pregnant woman walking by the sea. She saw mussels in the shallow water.
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Page 13

The Woman And The Angel
The woman walked into the water to collect some mussels. She wanted to cook and eat them.
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Page 14

The Woman And The Angel
There were many mussels for the young woman to gather. She was very happy, and the cool sea water felt good on her feet.
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The story of "The Woman And The Angel"