『アタテュルク』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “Ataturk” の絵本


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Ataturk was born in 1881 in Selanik. It was a difficult time when the Ottoman empire was in many wars.

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He was a very smart kid. His favorite class was Math. His Math Teacher called him Mustafa Kemal.

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He joined the Ottoman Army when he was young and he was very successful leading the army in Syria, Libya and Albania. He was promoted to the high ranked positions in the army very quickly.

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In 1918, the Ottoman Empire was in a difficult situation. It lost the World War 1 and the country was occupied by the enemies. There was nobody to protect the country.

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Ataturk did not want the enemies to rule Turkey. He risked his life and went to Anatolia on a small ship with a broken engine. And he started the Turkish War of Independence by fighting against the enemies there. Unfortunately, there was no Turkish army left, Ataturk brought together small groups of Turkish people and taught them how to fight.

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Under Ataturk's command, Turkish people fought against the enemies like heroes. Even though the enemy forces had all the modern guns, weaponry and everything, the war-torn Turkish people had nothing. They fought against them by only eating the leaves of trees and walking barefoot for months. Led by the great commander Ataturk,the Turkish people finally defeated all the enemies and became independent again.