Dinosaur Facts

『きょうりゅうのしんじつ』 子供のためのオーディオブック

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Dinosaur Facts
Dinosaur Facts
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Dinosaur Facts
Dinosaurs began to appear more than 200 million years ago. There were no humans in the world at that time.
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Dinosaur Facts
The word dinosaur in Greek means “wondrous lizard.” Until the 1970s, most scientists believed that dinosaurs were slow. Now, scientists know that dinosaurs were very quick and active.
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Dinosaur Facts
Some dinosaurs were carnivores. This means that they only ate meat.
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Dinosaur Facts
Other dinosaurs were herbivores. So, they only ate plants.
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Dinosaur Facts
Some herbivorous dinosaurs had spines and horns. The spines and horns protected the herbivores from the carnivorous dinosaurs.
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Dinosaur Facts
Brachiosaurus was one of the largest dinosaurs. It weighed over 40 tons. That means the brachiosaurus weighed the same as 500 humans!
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Dinosaur Facts
Brachiosaurus were also one of the tallest dinosaurs. They were more than 12 meters tall!
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Dinosaur Facts
Some dinosaurs were not smart. Others were kind of smart. But even a smart dinosaur was not as smart as a dog or a bird today.
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Dinosaur Facts
Dinosaurs laid eggs. The eggs usually were thicker and bigger than a chicken’s egg. And sometimes, the eggs were round, like balls.
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Dinosaur Facts
Most dinosaurs had long tails. These tails helped them keep their balance when they walked or ran.
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Dinosaur Facts
This is a pterosaur, which is Greek for “winged lizard.” Pterosaurs lived with dinosaurs. And pterosaurs could fly!
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Dinosaur Facts
Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. This means that they all died.
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Dinosaur Facts
Most scientists think that a giant comet or asteroid hit the earth and wiped the dinosaurs out.
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Dinosaur Facts
A few scientists think that many volcanoes erupted and wiped the dinosaurs out.
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Dinosaur Facts
You can find out more about dinosaurs at a museum. If you have questions, there are people at museums who can try to answer them.
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Dinosaur Facts
Dinosaur Facts
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Dinosaur Facts
Dinosaurs began to appear more than 200 million years ago. There were no humans in the world at that time.
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Dinosaur Facts
The word dinosaur in Greek means “wondrous lizard.” Until the 1970s, most scientists believed that dinosaurs were slow. Now, scientists know that dinosaurs were very quick and active.
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Dinosaur Facts
Some dinosaurs were carnivores. This means that they only ate meat.
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Dinosaur Facts
Other dinosaurs were herbivores. So, they only ate plants.
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Dinosaur Facts
Some herbivorous dinosaurs had spines and horns. The spines and horns protected the herbivores from the carnivorous dinosaurs.
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