『アリのおうこく』 子供のためのオーディオブック
英語で読める “The Ant Kingdom” の絵本

The Ant Kingdom

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Once upon a time, there was a kingdom of Ants.

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The Ants worked hard to build a city. The city had cars and buildings.

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The Ants worked all year. They worked during hot summer. They worked during the cool fall. They worked during the cold winter. And they worked during the warm spring.

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The Ants collected precious stones for their Queen. The Ants collected a great treasure for their Queen.

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One day, a Man found the Ant Kingdom. And he found the Queen’s treasure!

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The Man wanted the precious stones, so he tried to trick the Ants. He gave them some food, and he let them come into his house. Soon, life became very easy for the Ants. They had a lot of food.

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The Ants found more food in the Man’s house, and they found treasure there, too! The Ants began to steal the food and treasure from the Man. This made life very easy for the Ants.

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Then, the Ants tried to take the Man’s wood. But the Man caught them. He was very angry, and he kicked the ants out of his house.

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The Ants went to the wise old Bee. They asked why the Man was so angry. The Bee said, “The Man was bad because he wanted your treasure. But you were bad because you stole from the Man.”

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The Ants learned the lesson. The Queen said, “Do not accept gifts from strangers. And do not steal from anyone. We must all be honest and work hard.

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The Ants kept working hard, and they never stole anything again.

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The Ant Kingdom

Page 13

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom of Ants.

Page 14

The Ants worked hard to build a city. The city had cars and buildings.

Page 15

The Ants worked all year. They worked during hot summer. They worked during the cool fall. They worked during the cold winter. And they worked during the warm spring.

Page 16

The Ants collected precious stones for their Queen. The Ants collected a great treasure for their Queen.